Linda Kandelin Chambers tells a magical tale of friendship, bravery and loyalty in this memorable chapter book for young children. Set in the tropical paradise of Réunion Island, the reader is introduced to the noble sea creature named Pons and his friends, the children Anabella and her brother Marco.
Anabella and Marco live peacefully with their parents and grandparents near the crystal blue waters of the Indian Ocean, until one day when the serenity of their lives is unexpectedly interrupted. It is then that they find themselves in a truly dangerous and frightening situation where love and courage are put to the test as Pons and the children’s grandfather attempt a daring rescue.
Pons and the Miracle of Réunion Island is a vivid and exciting adventure story for boys and girls. Beautiful color illustrations by Barbara Dessí compliment each chapter.
While the story of Pons and the Miracle of Réunion Island quickly engages the reader who will find it difficult to put down, teachers and parents will find a plethora of teaching moments throughout the text. For reading, a variety of new words are interspersed throughout, encouraging vocabulary development and questions for verifying understanding. The introduction of islands, volcanoes, flora and fauna provides opportunity for further topic exploration via available media through the library or the Internet. The storyline also allows for personal development discussions surrounding making good choices versus curiosity, or fact versus fiction.